Brokeback Palouse

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Mutual Aid Direct Action Fund

Brokeback Palouse is composed of Palouse Prairie queers that strive to nurture community for “historically” marginalized queers in rural spaces. The collective seeks to actively center and uplift unconstrained queer artistic expression. We work towards creating spaces for all community members, including and emphasizing BIPOC, trans, and rural queers of the Palouse Prairie. We foster community resiliency through creating space for queer relationships and providing direct mutual aid.

Brokeback programming functions as a dynamic continuum of interdisciplinary practices: advocacy, art, play, pleasure, visible queerness, rurality, and critical optimism. Brokeback is a dance party, sometimes. Brokeback is also everything else.

Organized in 2019, Brokeback situatuates themselves within a history of queer ruralism and invokes a new mode of queer rural futurity. Brokeback, like the landscape is constantly eroding, taking place at the nexus of accrual, through gay actions we imprint ourselves on the geologic record. 

We do our work on the Palouse, a wind-blown tract of inland arid prairie place, land belonging to the Nimiipuu people. Queer thinking is inherently unorthodox and rural practice is inherently resourceful. Brokeback works in resistance to white supremacy, colonialism, capitalism, and all of the destructive -isms we navigate on this burning planet.
